Top Fundraisers NEVER Break These 5 Rules

Recently we researched how top performing fundraisers structure their day to find those common threads across the top industry professionals. From that same research came a few non-negotiable rules all of these top industry professionals follow, and today we are sharing our top five:

Young woman on a cell phone at a cafe
  1. Be Authentic: This was number one, far and away. Authenticity is crucial when it comes to fundraising. Top fundraisers are sincere and passionate about their organization's mission. They don't rely on scripted pitches or make promises they can't keep. They genuinely believe in their cause and communicate that to donors, it's something you just can't fake.

  2. Focus on Relationships, Not Money: Building relationships with donors is the only way to build success long term. Top fundraisers don't just ask for money; they invest in relationships with their donors. They take the time to understand donors' interests, build trust, and create a connection. This investment leads to long-term relationships and continued support.

  3. Have a Clear Strategy: Successful fundraising requires a clear strategy, which may seem obvious, but you might be surprised how many fundraising professionals have no clear roadmap, goals, strategic plan, weekly benchmarks, ...anything! Top fundraisers have a plan that outlines their specific metrics/goals, target audience, messaging, and fundraising tactics. They measure their progress weekly against their plan and often adjust their strategy as needed to make sure they are headed in the right direction globally. It's the old saying that if you don't know where you are going, you probably won't get there.

  4. Never Stop Learning: Good fundraisers think they know everything, great fundraisers know they don't! Fundraising is a data-driven activity. Top fundraisers use data and analytics to understand their donors' behavior and preferences, optimize their messaging, and track their progress. They use this information to make data-driven decisions that lead to better outcomes. They also know that new information comes out all the time! We try to stay up with the latest trends, and we know the world of fundraising is complex and ever-evolving.

  5. Invest Time in Donor Stewardship: It's almost ten times as expensive to acquire a new donor than to keep your existing ones giving. Donor stewardship is the process of building and maintaining relationships with donors AFTER they have made a donation. Top fundraisers don't stop their efforts after that first gift is made. They focus on donor stewardship, which involves acknowledging donors' contributions, keeping them informed about the impact of their donations, and recognizing their continued support.

By following these rules, top performers in the industry build long-term relationships with donors, create sustainable fundraising efforts, and make a significant impact on their organizations and communities. Try to implement some of these rules in your own practice and get your mission funded in perpetuity!

Want to learn more detail and guidance about the latest fundraising best practices? We might be able to help! Set up a free chat with us to learn more!


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