How to Optimize Matching Gifts for Your Nonprofit

Matching gifts offer a unique opportunity to double or sometimes even triple the impact of donations with minimal upfront work. In this post, we'll cover strategies to optimize matching gifts from both individuals and corporations, ensuring your nonprofit makes the most out of every contribution.


Section 1: Understanding Matching Gifts

Before delving into optimization strategies, it's crucial to understand what matching gifts are and why they are so popular. Matching gifts are donations made by an individual, an employer, or another entity that match the original donation to a nonprofit organization. This effectively doubles the donation, providing additional funds without extra effort from the donor. Meaning if a donor made a $500 contribution during the matching period, the nonprofit would receive a $1000 contribution. It is also not uncommon for matching gifts to be 3 times the contribution instead of 2, tripling the impact instead of doubling it.

Section 2: Optimizing Individual Matching Gifts

Individual matching gifts are often easier to obtain and require less paperwork than corporate matching gifts. Here’s how you can optimize them when a donor has agreed to a matching gift:

  1. Educate Your Donors: Many individuals are unaware that a matching gift program is even being offered. Educate your donors through phone calls, newsletters, and social media about the potential of matching gifts. A matching gift opportunity is a wonderful excuse to reach out to a donor to speak with them personally about it.

  2. Create a Finite Timeline: Matching Gifts are usually most successful when there is a sense of urgency attached to it. If the matching gift has a deadline, people tend to be far more likely to make a contribution to be able to double their contribution.

  3. Simplify the Process: Provide clear instructions and links on your website for donors to check if their employers offer matching gifts and how they can apply for them. Make it as few steps for them as possible.

  4. Follow Up: Regularly remind donors about matching gifts and follow up with those who have donated in the past to encourage them to initiate the matching process with their employers.

Section 3: Optimizing Corporate Matching Gifts

While corporate matching gifts might require more effort, they can be worth pursuing. Here are strategies to optimize them:

  1. Build Corporate Relationships: Establish partnerships with local businesses and corporations. This may seem obvious but nothing will happen with a matching gift without this first step. Engage with them about their matching gift programs and how they might be interested support your cause.

  2. Create a Corporate Matching Gift Page: Dedicate a page on your website specifically for corporate matching gifts, detailing the steps and benefits of the program including whatever recognition the corporation would receive.

  3. Promote Corporate Matching: Utilize whatever communication channels to promote corporate matching gifts. Create pamphlets or presentations that highlight the impact of these gifts and drawing attention to the corporation. The amount of buzz and positive PR from a corporate matching gift in a community can be a compelling reason for a business to make a more substantial contribution.

Section 4: Tools and Resources

Utilize tools and software designed to streamline the matching gifts process. These can help in identifying eligible donors, tracking the status of matching gifts, and automating follow-up communications. Several CRM platforms allow you to do this in pretty turn-key way.

Matching gifts, both from individuals and corporations, can be an invaluable resource for nonprofits. By educating donors, simplifying processes, building corporate relationships, and using the right tools, your nonprofit can significantly boost its fundraising revenue with little up-front effort for your organization. Remember, every matched donation means double the support for your cause, making your efforts twice as impactful.

Have more questions about matching gifts? We would love to chat! Reach out to us and we would love to chat about how we could help drive more money to your nonprofit.


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