Avoiding Burnout as a Nonprofit Employee

Key Takeaways:

  • Definitions

    • Compassion Fatigue: Emotional exhaustion reducing empathy.

    • Burnout: Total empathy loss, often requiring years to recover.

  • Risk Factors

    • Highly empathetic individuals, those in demanding roles, or those with low self-compassion are particularly at risk. Unsupportive workplaces and personal traumas amplify vulnerability.

  • Warning Signs

    • Symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, anger, and reduced work efficiency. Untreated, burnout causes physical and emotional numbness.

  • Prevention & Self-Care

    • Self-awareness of stress signals.

    • Positive coping mechanisms: exercise, therapy, journaling, or mindfulness.

    • Social support: family, friends, or professional counseling.

    • Boundary setting: prioritizing personal time and avoiding overcommitment.

  • Practical Self-Care Examples

    • Physical health: sleep, healthy eating, and exercise.

    • Emotional balance: gratitude practices and learning new skills.

    • Spiritual grounding: meditation and prayer.

Marti Barrow, CFRE, CNP | Senior Vice President

Certified Fundraising Executive. 16 years experience as a professional fundraiser. Specializing in healthcare nonprofits. Bachelor’s Degree the University of Hawaii. Manages all in-person/virtual educational programming. Association of Fundraising Professionals Member.


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